martes, abril 02, 2019

You got invoice from DocuSign Service


Please review and sign the document.
Dear Recipient,

Please review this invoice
This is an electronically created invoice notification.

This email holds a secure link to DocuSign. Please do not show this code with anybody.

Additional Signing Method
Please visit, click 'Access Documents', and enter the code: 04A97AB514

About DocuSign
Sign invoice in just few clicks. It is safe. If you're in an office, at home or on-the-go -- DocuSign provides a professional solution for Digital Operations .

Have questions concerning an Invoice?
If you need to modify an invoice or have concerns about the details in the document, please contact the sender by emailing them directly.

If you are having trouble signing an invoice, please see the Help with Signing page on our support Center .


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Nombre: Gustavo er Cura
Ubicación: Madrid, Madrid, Spain
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