martes, noviembre 03, 2020


Good news today, PAYMENT IS READY The arrangement has been changed for good,this investment proposal does not need you to travel or spend any upfront money, because of the Covid-19 pandemic your presence is not required anymore.The documentations will be sent to you to sign and return back. Reply back to me with your details as soon as you get this message for us to achieve a reasonable success. I hope you are doing good,I am happy to work with you and I need us to work together and fully benefit. remember this is an investment you are to manage for the period of 15 years and the benefit will be shared 50/50 with the investor, i need your full attention so, I can give you the MOU agreement form that contains all the full details of this soon as you go through the MOU, you will understand the investment more better, everything is open and straight, send me your whatsapp number to reach you, if you don't have download so, we can communicate in a private way. Call me on my US number +1 202 630 2276 or add me on whatapp+447452394032 Thanks John David

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Mi foto
Nombre: Gustavo er Cura
Ubicación: Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Greenpeace de Venezuela El Equipo bicampeon del Caribe xml image_mini

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